As a franchisee you will operate a retail business offering pet food and supplies using prescribed methods under the trade name, Your Pets Naturally.
The total investment necessary to begin operations of a Your Pets Naturally franchise ranges from $96,500 to $143,000. This amount includes $20,000 to $30,000 as an initial franchise fee that must be paid to the franchisor or affiliate.
Buying a franchise is a complex investment. More information on franchising, such as “A Consumer Guide to Buying a Franchise,” which can help you understand more and is available from the Federal Trade Commission. You can contact the FTC at 1-877-FTC-HELP or by writing to the FTC at 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20580.
You can also visit the FTC’s home page at for additional information. Call your state agency or visit your public library for other sources of information on franchising. There may also be laws on franchising in your state. Ask your state agencies about them.